Shopping rules

E-Shop trade rules

General provisions

1.1. These trading rules (hereinafter – the Rules) establish the mutual rights, obligations and responsibilities of the person purchasing the goods in the e-shop (hereinafter – the Buyer) and MB FastCar LT (hereinafter – the Seller). By purchasing goods in the e-shop, the Buyer agrees with these Rules.

1.2. The contract of purchase and sale of goods between the Buyer and the Seller (hereinafter – the Contract) shall be deemed concluded from the moment when the Buyer, after creating a shopping cart in the e-shop, indicating the delivery address, choosing the payment method and getting acquainted with these Rules, clicks the button “Confirm the order of goods”. After the Buyer has performed the above-mentioned actions, the Seller sends a confirmation to the e-mail address specified by the Buyer that the order has been accepted and indicates the exact price of the goods.

2. Rights and obligations of the Parties

2.1. The Buyer has the right to purchase the Goods in the e-shop in accordance with these Rules and the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

2.2. The Buyer (consumer) has the right to refuse the contract of purchase and sale of goods concluded in the e-shop with the Seller (unless the contract of sale was concluded for the supply of audio and / or video recordings (phonograms, audiovisual recordings) in various video and audio media, supply of computer programs, if the Buyer has violated the protection of the packaging, the supply of newspapers, magazines or other periodicals, participation in games and lotteries; service provision, when according to the Buyer’s consent, the Purchase-sales contract was started to be implemented previous to a seven working days term; goods, which were created according to a Buyer’s individual order or were obviously adapted to him, or which, according to its nature, cannot be returned to the Buyer due to the loss (destruction) of its product qualities, which are quickly perishable or if their expiry date has been overdue). This must be notified to the Seller in writing within 7 working days from the date of delivery of the goods. The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract of purchase and sale of goods with the Seller only if the goods are of good quality, have not been damaged and have not substantially changed in appearance.

2.3. Electrical goods are not provided with a warranty and these goods will not be taken back (according to the rules of return and exchange of items of the Republic of Lithuania).

2.4. The Buyer has other rights and obligations established in these Rules and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

2.5. The Buyer undertakes to pay the price of the Goods and their delivery within the set term and to accept the ordered goods.

3. Rights and obligations of the Parties

3.1. The Seller undertakes to create all conditions for the Buyer to use the services provided by the e-shop properly, but the Seller does not provide any guarantee that the e-store will operate continuously or that the data transmission will be uninterrupted and will not be liable for minor inaccuracies.

3.2. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer to the address specified by the Buyer within the set term.

3.3. If the Seller is unable to deliver the goods (products) ordered by the Buyer due to important reasons or technical problems, the Seller undertakes to offer the Buyer an analogous product, and if the Buyer refuses to accept the analogous (similar in its nature) product, return the money paid by the Buyer within 10 working days. In this case, the Seller is released from liability for non-delivery of the goods.

3.4. If the Buyer tries to damage the work of the e-shop and its proper operation, the Seller has the right to restrict and / or suspend the Buyer’s access to the work of the e-shop and / or cancel the Buyer’s registration in the e-shop without prior notice to the Buyer.

3.5. The Seller has the right to unilaterally change these Rules. The amended Rules shall enter into force from the moment of their publication in the e-shop and shall be valid for all purchase and sale contracts concluded after the publication of the Rules.

3.6. The Seller also has other rights and obligations specified in the Rules and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

4. Price and payments

4.1. The final price of the Goods indicated in the e-shop, i.e. the indicated price includes the valid value added tax rate (delivery price is not included in the price of the Goods).

4.2. The Buyer undertakes to pay for the Goods within 1 (one) working day in the form offered by the Seller. If the Buyer does not pay the specified price within the set term, it is considered that the Buyer refuses to perform the contract, therefore the Seller has the right to suspend the execution of the order.

4.3. The Buyer can pay for the goods selected and ordered in the e-shop to the Seller in three ways:

4.3.1. Cash on delivery by courier. With this payment method, the order starts immediately, and when the courier arrives, you need to have the exact amount of money, equal to the amount of the order.

4.3.2 Using electronic banking services. In Step 3 of your purchase, select the appropriate bank link. In step 5, click “Make payment”, register on the opened bank’s website and confirm the prepared payment order. No additional information is required in this case. The status of the order changes to “paid” and the order is started.

4.3.3 By bank transfer from the following banks: AB SEB bankas, AB DNB bankas, Nordea Bank, AB Swedbank, (by depositing cash or making a transfer from the account) to the seller’s bank account (in Euros). For the purpose of payment, please indicate the order number provided to you. After making the transfer, be sure to inform us by e-mail. email The order does not start to be processed until we receive information about the executed order, because the status of the order remains unchanged, it is visible as “unpaid”. If you have placed an order but have not yet received the goods and would like a refund, please let us know by phone or email.

4.4 The invoice will be issued by the Seller after delivery of the goods and it will be sent to the buyer by e-mail. In order to avoid any ambiguities, we note that the Seller of goods or service provider is the branch of MB FastCar LT, from which the goods are shipped after estimating the fastest delivery to the buyer.

Delivery of goods


– Goods can be picked up from our shop Baltijos 22B, Kaunas, LT-48251 during working hours from Monday till Friday 09:00-18:00.

– Shipping costs are calculated according to the weight of the goods. You will always find the estimated delivery price at the end of the ordering process.

– We send goods to the whole European Union. When ordering, select the desired country (by filling in the contacts) and you will see the prices. Shipments to other countries are delivered directly to the recipient within 2-8 days. In rare cases, parcels must be picked up at the post office or other nearest terminal location.

– Customers are informed about the goods sent / ready for collection by a call or short message from our managers.

– Attention! Our e-shop does not sell to countries like Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, and we do not deliver to these countries.

 5.1. The goods are delivered at the Buyer’s expense by courier or by the Seller’s transport.

5.2. The exact price of the Goods, delivery price, quantity and range of Goods, delivery term are specified in the order of goods approved by the Seller. In very rare cases, some goods cannot be sold in 1 unit, so after ordering, you can be informed about it within 1 working day.

5.3. During the delivery of the Goods, the Buyer (Buyer’s representative) undertakes to check the condition of the packaging of the Goods consignment, the quantity, quality and range of the goods.

5.4. If a violation of the packaging of the Goods consignment is established, but no discrepancy (s) in the quantity, quality or range of goods is found, the Buyer (Buyer’s representative) must mark the packaging of the Goods consignment in the document submitted by the Seller (representative of the Seller).

5.5. If there is a discrepancy (s) in the quantity, quality and / or range of goods, the Buyer (Buyer’s representative) must not accept the consignments. In this case, the Seller (Seller’s representative) or the courier together with the Buyer (Buyer’s representative) shall draw up a deed of non-acceptance of the Goods, in which it shall note in writing the violations and discrepancies found.

5.6. After the Buyer (Buyer’s representative) accepts the Goods consignment, and signs the relevant delivery document and marks the violation of the consignment packaging, it is considered that the goods are delivered in the damaged consignment packaging, but the quantity, quality and range of goods comply with the terms of the purchase and sale contract and the additional services, provided in the delivery document are properly performed.

5.7. After the Buyer (Buyer’s representative) accepts the Goods consignment and signs the relevant delivery document without comments, it is considered that the goods are delivered in undamaged package, and the quantity, quality, range meets the terms of the purchase and sale contract and additional services specified in the relevant document are properly performed.

5.8. Upon delivery of the goods to the address specified by the Buyer, the goods shall be deemed to have been delivered to the Buyer, regardless of whether the goods are actually accepted by the Buyer or any other person who has received the goods at the specified address. If the goods are not delivered on the planned day of delivery, the Buyer shall immediately, but not later than the next day after the planned day of delivery, inform the Seller thereof. Otherwise, the Buyer loses the right to make claims to the Seller related to non-delivery or late delivery of the Goods (products).

Return of the goods


– FastCar e-shop will accept the goods purchased in the store with a smile if the return period does not exceed 14 calendar days.

– In order to ensure a smooth and inexpensive return of goods, we encourage customers to contact by a general telephone number and send shipments via courier.

– According to the legal acts and normative documents of the Republic of Lithuania, electrical / electronic goods of appropriate quality are not returned or replaced, just like goods that have lost their commercial appearance or have been used.

– Return of goods purchased by consumers takes place in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania,  By the 17 August 2001 Order of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania No. 258. “On the sale of goods and provision of services when contracts are concluded by means of communication”, by the 29 June 2001 Order of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania No. 217 “On the Approval of the Rules for the Return and Exchange of Items”.

6.1. In the event that the Buyer (consumer) withdraws from the contract of purchase and sale of the goods, as provided for in Article 2.2 of these Rules, the goods shall be returned at the Buyer’s expense. The money paid by the Buyer for the delivery of the goods (except for additional costs incurred if you choose the not the cheapest delivery method that was offered by us) is refunded within 14 calendar days from the Buyer’s written notice of withdrawal, provided the goods are returned to the Seller.

6.2. The goods shall be returned in the original packaging of the consignment together with the goods documents (including the warranty card, if it was provided with the goods). Refunds must be accompanied by a VAT invoice and / or cashier’s check and a completed refund request .

6.3. The Buyer is responsible for the proper assembly and packaging of the returned goods. If the goods are not completed and (or) properly packaged, the Seller will not accept the returned goods. This also applies to goods that are returned as a “deposit”, i.e. brake calipers, starters, etc. (when ordering goods, an additional field named “Deposit” appears, it is returned only in case if the returned item corresponds with all of the manufacturer’s requirements.  Contact us by phone or e-mail for exact requirements.).

6.4. Goods are not taken back if they have been used, damaged and / or lost their appearance (changes in the appearance of the goods or their packaging that were necessary to inspect the goods are not considered to be substantial changes in the appearance of the goods).

6.6. If the delivered product does not meet the quality requirements, the buyer applies according to the general contacts of

6.7 Quality goods ordered according to special order are not accepted back or exchanged. If the customer refuses to buy the ordered and delivered packages according to the spec. order, the money paid is non-refundable.

Processing of personal data

7.1. The Buyer agrees that by clicking the “Confirm order of Goods” button, he provides his personal data in order for the Seller to process the said data for the purposes of the Buyer’s identification, conclusion of contracts, execution of contracts (online trade) and direct marketing. The Seller confirms that the personal code of the Buyer (natural person) will not be used by the Seller for direct marketing purposes.

7.2. The Buyer confirms that by clicking the “Confirm order” button, he is informed of his right to access the personal data processed by the Seller, his right to request to correct, destroy his personal data or suspend the processing of his personal data when the data is processed in violation of legal requirements, as well as with the fact that the Buyer may not consent to the processing of personal data.

7.3. The Buyer confirms that by clicking the “Confirm order” button, the Buyer knows that he has the right to refuse to provide his data, but he understands that personal data is necessary and mandatory to identify the Buyer for the purpose of concluding a purchase sale (internet trade) contract, executing it and if the Buyer does not agree to the data processing for the above-mentioned purposes, the Seller will not be able to conclude and / or execute the sales contract.

7.4 All rules are discussed in the document “Rules for the processing of personal data”.

Sending information

8.1. The Seller sends all notifications to the e-mail address provided in the Buyer’s registration form.

8.2. The Buyer shall send all notices and questions to the address specified in the “Contacts” section of the Seller’s e-shop.


9.1. The Buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided in the registration form, assumes responsibility for the consequences and consequences of incorrect / erroneous data provided in the registration form.

9.2. Pursuant to parts 2 and 3 of Article 8 of the Law on Electronic Signature of the Republic of Lithuania, the Buyer agrees with the Seller that the confirmation of the Buyer’s actions in the e-shop with the data of connection to the e-shop has the established legal force of the electronic signature (i.e. the same legal force as the signature in written documents) as provided in part 1 Article 8 of the Law on Electronic Signature of the Republic of Lithuania. The buyer must and undertakes to keep his login details to the e-shop private and not to disclose them to third parties. All actions of the Buyer performed using the Buyer’s data are considered performed by the Buyer, and the Buyer assumes full responsibility for the actions performed and the nature of the data used.

9.3. The parties shall be liable for the violation of the purchase and sale agreement concluded in the e-shop in accordance with the procedure established by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

Final provisions

10.1. The law of the Republic of Lithuania applies to these Rules

10.2. All disagreements arising from and / or related to the purchase and sale agreement between the Buyer and the Seller are resolved through negotiations. If no agreement is reached, disagreements shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

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